Abstract Sculptures
Feel like buying abstract sculptures? Browse through our selection of pieces here. Abstract sculpture does not aim to realistically imitate, but rather focuses on shape, color, and form as a means of expression. Abstract sculpture can take well know parts of our life and distort their proportions, color, and textures to give the subject an unrecognizable appearance. Abstract sculpture can be a 3D representation of mathematically precise geometric shapes or more organic shapes with seemingly no rhyme or reason. These sculptures have a fruitful opportunity to experiment with all kinds of materials. Abstract sculpture does not bind itself to traditional methods of sculpting, like carving and casting. Abstract sculpture can use a variety of materials and untraditional sculpting methods. More recently we can see artists creating pieces with plastic moulds, industrial manufacturing processes, and even 3D printing.
Shop today and incorporate an abstract sculpture into your space. An abstract sculpture can be used as a centerpiece of a room to be seen from all angles. You can use it as a way to set the mood for a room and spark conversation.